A world where everyone is able to experience the transforming power of God’s Word in their own language.
To resource national partners, empowering them to effect spiritual and social transformation through Bible translation, literacy, and community development initiatives in their own languages.
1. God's Word
God’s Word empowers people to live transformed lives, when it is available in their heart language.
2. Prayer
Prayer in our daily lives allows us to seek God for wisdom, strength and blessing as we interact with our partners and donors.
3. National Leadership
OneBook has a fundamental belief that indigenous people in their country, among their own people, are the best suited to implement their own projects. OneBook’s role is to support and encourage them.
4. Serving the Church
OneBook serves the global church in Canada, Africa and Asia so that local people, communities and churches can fulfill their role in building the Kingdom of God.
5. Relational Partnerships
OneBook forms strong partnerships locally and globally, based on relationship, mutual respect, integrity and a shared passion.
6. Team
OneBook believes that mutual trust and respect among every member of the team are essential for a healthy work environment.
7. Innovation
OneBook seeks to improve and enhance impact and transformation through the continued development of best and better practices at all levels.
8. Measuring Impact
OneBook is committed to ensuring that we, and our partners, are excellent stewards of what has been entrusted to us by not only reporting on activities and results, but through evaluating outcomes to improve impact.