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Old Testament


South Asia






A small growing church with a huge commitment to mature in their faith through more mother-tongue Scripture and to overcome language barriers. The project team aims to provide Old Testament portions, Psalms to sing, and to see children succeed in their education.

Thank you! This project has been fully funded for the year!

Funds to meet this year's goals

the Need
Bali families live in remote villages where most people are subsistence farmers. Language barriers and long-held prejudices impede trade, prevent access to medical care, and hinder education. Many cannot read or write their language. To help more people overcome these barriers, the Bali project team is working to open educational centres in two more villages, but they need help to make this dream a reality. There are few believers among the Bali community. Although a growing number are choosing to follow Christ, many members of the Bali community are unreached by the gospel. Those who have heard God’s Word in their language long to access more Scripture. They want to read the foundational stories of Genesis and sing the Psalms in their own language. They want to be equipped with an audio recording of the New Testament so they can share the truth they have found in Scripture with those in their community who cannot yet read the Bali language.
The Project

Project team members trained by our national partner in South Asia have made a commitment to:

  • Translate the Old Testament. *Updated to full Old Testament in 2025

  • Produce an audio recording of the translated New Testament and Old Testament.

  • Make Scripture and Scripture-based songs available to those who want them, helping them learn Bible study methods.

  • Provide children with after-school tutoring sessions in Bali to help them succeed in local schools taught in the national language.

Translation Progress










Sewing for a Better Future
Earlier this year, a group of Bali women approached the project team and expressed their desire to better support themselves and their families. They wondered if the project team would be able to help. In response, the project team worked with members of the community to organize a program focused on women’s welfare and livelihood. Forty-five women from two Bali villages attended the “livelihood development program.” Some elderly women, who were themselves accomplished seamstresses, attended the classes as respected guests of honour. They taught the women how to run a tailoring business and shared how they could pursue this work at home during their free time. The earnings could then help to cover significant expenses such as the fees for their children’s education. Community members sponsored the distribution of eight sewing machines to local women, including those who had approached the team for help. All the women in attendance expressed their gratitude for the resources and teaching. “This will help them a lot to earn money by sewing clothes during their free hours at home,” explains the project leader. The women are eager to begin their new businesses and start earning income to provide a better future for their children.
The Biggest Thing
Mohit was a little nervous when the translator asked him to read from the New Testament recently published in his language, but it turned out to be surprisingly easy. Looking over the text he exclaimed, “It is written in the colloquial language of our village!” He read the passage from Luke’s gospel with confidence, taking in the story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man. The translator then asked him questions and invited Mohit to share his thoughts on the passage. “I enjoyed reading the story,” began Mohit. “They said that Jesus Christ is God, that's why he was able to cure the paralyzed man, and the people also put faith in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ cured him. Today, I have come to know that the biggest thing is faith, and everything is possible through faith.” Thinking over what he had learned about Jesus, Mohit decided that he would like to put his faith in the Christian God. He told the translator, “I too will believe in God.”


Getting There Easier
For girls in the Bali community, getting an education means overcoming numerous challenges. Many parents do not see the value of sending girls to school. For those who are enrolled, getting to school often means a long and difficult walk. Once in class, they face cultural prejudice and language barriers that often hamper progress. The project team was pleased to participate in an initiative to make it a little easier for girls to succeed at school. Neel, a translator on the project team, worked with businesses in the city to get quality bikes and dictionaries for students and then connected with village elders to determine the best candidates to receive them. The team and our partner organization in South Asia organized a small celebration on a local holiday and invited people from all around the area to attend. A retired Bali literacy teacher distributed the bicycles to six girls and handed out ten bilingual dictionaries. Everyone shared in snacks and tea. Neel explains, “While leaving, the girls were very happy to receive a bicycle and dictionary and were very thankful to those who helped.” The girls put it more simply, “From tomorrow we will not have to go to school on foot!”

"Pastors and believers are happy about the New Testament. As people request more New Testaments, we understand God’s Word in the mother tongue is having an impact."

Project Team Member

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