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Share your name. Share God's Word.

Share your name. share god's word.

Push the BLUE BUTTON below and share your name with us and we will share God’s Word by printing a mother-tongue New Testament in your name.

Why Push the Blue Button?

The Blue Button can also be pushed in person at one of our many events around Canada. Contact us to find out if there is an event near you!

This year, more OneBook project teams than ever before are finishing translating the New Testament. These project teams will see their dream of having God’s Word in their own language become a reality. This is the culmination of years of hard work, prayer, and sacrifice. Now they need your help to take the final steps of this journey!


With help from a grant from a generous donor you can share God’s Word today. By pushing the blue button above and sharing your name, a mother-tongue New Testament will be printed in your name.

To Date


People Pushed the Blue Button

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