Help The Ngwo PRoject Today
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7
The Ngwo people long for Scripture in their language – but it is just out of reach. Dedicated translators from the Ngwo community have spent almost a decade translating the New Testament into their language because they know that God’s Word changes lives.
But the enemy does not want them to succeed. The Ngwo project team has faced challenge after challenge. They have endured intense violence from the Cameroon Crisis, faced the fear and restrictions of the pandemic, and struggled as their translation consultant battled a serious illness. These circumstances held them back, but they are so close to completing the Ngwo New Testament.
You can give them new hope and the encouragement they need today. A gift of $21 will help to cover project expenses so that the team can finish typesetting their New Testament. This vital last step prepares the translation for proper printing. Once the typesetting is completed, the team can finally make the Ngwo New Testament available to their community.
The Ngwo team is eager to see God’s Word transform their community. They are dedicated to finishing the race, but they need your support. Will you join them for the last stretch of their journey, and help them see their heart’s work completed?
the cameroon crisis:
The Ngwo community has endured terrible violence as opposing forces have clashed in their region. Gun battles have raged and homes have burned to the ground. At times, when the fighting is particularly bad, Ngwo people have had to flee for their lives.
Even in the face of these horrific circumstances, the Ngwo project team is continuing to move forward with their work. They are diligently translating the Bible, carrying out literacy activities, and leading trauma healing groups to minister to their friends and neighbours.
Please consider a generous donation today to support these resilient men and women.